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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 1, 2013: Cottage Grove, Wisconsin

I've skipped a few outings on the blog during the late summer and autumn, mainly due to the time involved with these posts. Time to get a fresh start and share a short trek from today.

It was a cold day, around 15 degrees F. I waited for mid-day so it would be as warm as possible, then broke out the snowshoes I bought last winter.

This was more of a shakedown cruise. McCarthy Park near Cottage Grove is not really known  for it's scenery, but it is nearby and the terrain is not too challenging when I'm still practicing with the snowshoes. Out and back in just over an hour, and I was pretty wiped out at the end. Basically, the military-surplus snowshoes are made for the average person, and I'm much larger than that. I sunk pretty far in the powder most of the time.


I started hitting my stride with the gear about half-way and didn't step on my shoes anymore when turning. It might go better the next time out. It's also getting near eagle-watching time at Praire du Sac, so that could be another near-future destination.

1 comment:

  1. Chris, Please contact me - I have some watch questions

