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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday August 28th, 2011 - Ferry Bluff

With some last-minute planning the day before, I got up extra early to drive through Sauk City, Wisconsin and a little further west to Ferry Bluff. This is a scenic vista overlooking the lower Wisconsin River. My goal was to capture the sunrise from the top. I was running late on arrival, so I settled for setting up on a sandbar along the river bank.

As I photographed the sunrise, I noticed the tracks in the sand under me. There were plenty of different wildlife and human tracks, but I was especially alarmed by some very fresh wolf tracks. As in made sometime during the night or morning fresh. I just kept taking photos, but kept my head on the swivel.

A shot in infra-red.

As fog started developing more and getting thicker, I began walking my way up to the top of Ferry Bluff.

Here's what the trails look like from the parking to the river bank during daylight (as I left). I had to follow that in pre-dawn light with a flashlight.

The fog was following me up the hill.

It eventually enveloped the entire bluff, all I could see were some trees and brush at the top and a bit of sun trying to shine though. I waited it out, listening to the coyotes across the river. Wondering where that wolf was. Sending texts to my sister so she would know where to recover the body.

A couple of flights of cranes did cruise by me. I think they were lost in the fog a bit. They were so close I could have thrown rocks at them.

Then the sun started to burn-off the fog from left to right.

Since this was a basically a photo-taking trip, I was heavy with gear. Switched to a 500mm telephoto lens for the next shots.

There were several campers along the sandbars and 1 pot-bellied old nude dude out on the "clothing optional" beach across the river. Nothing worth sharing there. LOL

Now a couple more shots in infra-red.

And a stitched-together panorama. This is covering nearly a full-circle.

Some other people were starting to arrive at the top of the bluff, and another photographer with his gear. I finished up and got out of their way so they could enjoy the view like I did. Had plans for geocaching in Cross Plains next, but that changed with a text and a phone call to my sister. Next stop for the day: Gibraltar Rock.

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