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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday August 5, 2012: Deefield to Lake Mills, Wisconsin

Another bike ride on this day. This time on the Glacial-Drumlin trail. I am not sure how to approach the main trail entrance in Cottage Grove at this time due to the main road in the village being closed and detoured right now. I just drove to the next town (Deerfield) and picked up the trail there.

I expected to just ride to Cam-Rock lake in Lake Mills and turn around for an estimated 17 miles or less of riding. Beautiful morning for this as it was sunny, in the high-60's to low 70's as I went. I saved about 15 geocaches on my gps that I would ride by. I only attempted to get one.

Somewhere around that tunnel is a cache I actually stopped to try to find (I was all by myself there). I had no printed cache-description sheet so no idea of what I might be looking for. Gave up and drove on.

Cam-Rock lake, but I did not turn around here. I pressed on a while farther.

I went all the way to the old train depot in Lake Mills and stopped there a while. Nice bathroom facilities to use. Visited with some other cyclists just starting a ride from there.

I reversed-course and rode back to my parking spot in Deerfield. Had to take a break in London (a very small town in-between) and I sat with an older couple who were also taking a break while biking the trail. I listened to their stories, and followed them from a distance all the way to Deerfield. Here's the end of the ride for me.

And the overview on Google Earth. 18 miles round-trip. 2.5 hours with the rest breaks.

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